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How To Use a Wiping Stain

2024-07-15 The Hive Painting

How To Use a Wiping Stain

If this is your first time here, we recommend reading this other blog on how to prep cabinets before staining, once you have your surface prepped and ready, follow these steps to achieve an even application of the stain

Apply the Conditioner

  • Before applying the actual stain, there is another product that needs to be applied to achieve a more even look. There are multiple types of conditioners, but we prefer the Minwax brand and their oil-based pre-stain wood conditioner
  • To Apply it, simply use a rag or brush, dip it in the product, and start spreading it evenly over all of the wood. We prefer using a brush and then wiping it with a clean rag to remove the excess.

Apply the Stain

  • After the wood has been conditioned, allow the conditioner to soak in and dry, then start applying the stain in a similar way. We prefer to again use a brush or even a sprayer to get the stain applied everywhere evenly, and then start wiping off the excess with rags. Always follow the wood grain to get a more even look.

Clear Coating

  • Once you are happy with the stain color, double-check all of the masking originally done to ensure there is no loose tape.
  • Lightly go over all of the stained wood with a super fine grit steel wool to remove any little particles and ensure a smooth feel on the cleat coat.
  • Spray or brush the clear coat on, depending on your preference (spraying will leave a more professional and even look). Use two coats and lightly sand with a ultra fine grit sandpaper (2000 grit or more) to ensure a smooth finish.

Remove Painter’s Tape

  • Remove All of the plastic and tape, clean any areas if the stain bleeds through, or do the small paint touch-ups.

Now you can sit back and enjoy the look of you newly finished wood, we created this guide following the same steps that our cabinet painters use when dealing with a staining project, but if you have any specific questions feel free to contact us.

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